13 Must-Read Financial Books When Earning Under 10K a Month

Category: finance | Last Updated: Sep 30, 2023
Software engineer, finance nerd, AI enthusiast, and the creator of Web Disrupt.


If you're pulling in less than $10,000 a month, you might think that financial freedom is a distant dream. But guess what? The key to unlocking a better financial life often lies in knowledge. And what better way to gain that knowledge than through financial literacy books? In this article, we'll explore 13 books that can help you with money management, financial planning, and ultimately, achieving financial independence.

Why Financial Literacy Matters

Before we dive into our list, let's talk about why financial literacy is so crucial. Understanding the basics of money management can help you save money, make informed decisions, and set you on the path to financial freedom. In short, financial literacy is the cornerstone of a secure and prosperous financial life.

  1. Empowerment: Financial literacy equips you with the tools to make informed decisions, giving you control over your life.

  2. Security: Understanding the basics of personal finance ensures that you're saving money, and prepared for emergencies, providing a sense of security.

  3. Freedom: Being financially literate opens the door to financial independence, allowing you to live life on your own terms.

  4. Wealth: Financial literacy is the cornerstone of wealth-building, enabling you to grow your assets effectively.

  5. Debt: A solid understanding of financial principles helps you manage and avoid crippling debt, leading to a more stable life.

  6. Investment: Financial literacy teaches you how to invest wisely, maximizing your returns and minimizing risks.

  7. Legacy: Being financially savvy allows you to create a lasting financial legacy for your family, ensuring their well-being for generations to come.

Our financial literacy book review of the Top 13 Financial Books for those making under 10k

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

by Robert Kiyosaki

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki isn't just a book; it's a revolution in how you perceive money and wealth. Forget everything you've been taught about saving pennies and avoiding debt. This game-changing read flips the script, teaching you how to think like the wealthy. With its compelling narrative contrasting the financial philosophies of Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad" and "Poor Dad," this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to break free from the 9-to-5 grind and achieve financial freedom.

Key Lessons from "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

  1. Assets Over Liabilities: One of the book's core teachings is the importance of accumulating assets—things that put money in your pocket—over liabilities—things that take money out of your pocket. This simple yet profound shift in perspective can be life-changing.

  2. Financial Education: Kiyosaki emphasizes that traditional education systems don't prepare us for financial independence. He advocates for self-education in financial matters as the key to wealth-building.

  3. Work to Learn, Don't Work for Money: The book advises against getting caught in the trap of trading time for money. Instead, focus on acquiring skills and knowledge that can help you make smarter investments and create multiple income streams.

  4. The Power of Investing: Kiyosaki stresses that saving money isn't enough; you need to invest it wisely. Whether it's real estate, stocks, or other investment vehicles, the key is to make your money work for you.

  5. Take Calculated Risks: Playing it safe won't make you rich. The book encourages taking calculated financial risks and learning from both successes and failures. It's through taking action that you gain the experience needed to achieve financial freedom.

If you're tired of living paycheck to paycheck and want to unlock the secrets to financial independence, "Rich Dad Poor Dad" is your treasure map. It's not just about money; it's about transforming your mindset and making money work for you. So go ahead, take the plunge and let "Rich Dad Poor Dad" guide you to financial freedom.

The Millionaire Next Door

by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko

Forget the glitz and glamor often associated with millionaires; "The Millionaire Next Door" by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko offers a groundbreaking look into the real world of wealth accumulation. This eye-opening book shatters the myth that millionaires are all about flashy cars, designer clothes, and extravagant lifestyles. Instead, it reveals that the majority of millionaires are actually living right next door, driving used cars, and living well below their means. Intrigued? You should be. This book is a treasure trove of financial wisdom that can change your life.

5 Key Lessons from "The Millionaire Next Door"

  1. Live Below Your Means: One of the most striking lessons from the book is the importance of frugality. Most millionaires don't live extravagant lifestyles; they live well below their means, which allows them to save and invest more effectively.

  2. Prioritize Financial Independence Over Social Status: The book emphasizes that many millionaires prioritize financial independence over social status. They're not interested in keeping up with the Joneses; they're focused on building wealth.

  3. Invest Wisely: Millionaires in the book are often self-made and have gotten to where they are through wise investments. They're not gamblers but calculated risk-takers, investing in avenues that promise steady, long-term returns.

  4. Income Doesn't Equal Wealth: A high income doesn't necessarily make you wealthy. What matters more is how much of that income you manage to keep and grow. The book shows that many millionaires are not high earners but are excellent at retaining and multiplying their income.

  5. Time and Discipline: Wealth accumulation is not a get-rich-quick scheme; it's a long-term game that requires time and discipline. The millionaires profiled in the book have often spent years, if not decades, diligently saving and investing to build their fortunes.

So, if you're looking to transform your financial life, "The Millionaire Next Door" is an absolute must-read. It's not just a book; it's a roadmap to financial freedom and a prosperous life.

Your Money or Your Life

by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez

Are you tired of the never-ending cycle of earning and spending, with little to show for it? "Your Money or Your Life" by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez is the wake-up call you've been waiting for. This transformative book doesn't just talk about money; it delves into the relationship you have with it. It's a comprehensive guide to achieving financial independence through mindful spending and saving. If you're looking to reclaim your life from the clutches of consumerism and take control of your financial destiny, this book is your go-to manual.

5 Key Lessons from "Your Money or Your Life"

  1. The Real Cost of Money: One of the most profound lessons from this book is understanding that when you spend money, you're actually spending the time it took to earn that money. This concept, known as "life energy," helps you evaluate whether your spending aligns with your values and long-term goals.

  2. Track Every Penny: The book advocates for meticulous tracking of all your income and expenses. This heightened awareness of your financial habits is the first step toward effective money management.

  3. The Importance of Being Frugal: Frugality isn't about being cheap; it's about being resourceful and making the most of what you have. The book teaches you how to live well on less, thereby accelerating your journey to financial independence.

  4. Invest in Assets, Not Liabilities: Similar to other financial literacy books, "Your Money or Your Life" emphasizes the importance of investing in assets that generate income, rather than liabilities that drain your resources.

  5. Financial Independence as the Ultimate Goal: The book introduces the concept of the "crossover point," the moment your investment income surpasses your living expenses. Reaching this point means you've achieved financial independence, and work becomes a choice rather than a necessity.

In a nutshell, "Your Money or Your Life" is more than just a financial book; it's a life philosophy. It challenges you to rethink your relationship with money and provides actionable steps to achieve financial independence. If you're serious about breaking free from financial constraints and living life on your terms, this book is an indispensable resource.

The Total Money Makeover

by Dave Ramsey

Are you drowning in debt, living paycheck to paycheck, and feeling like you're stuck in a financial rut? Dave Ramsey's "The Total Money Makeover" is the lifeline you've been searching for. This isn't just another personal finance book; it's a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to reclaiming your financial health. Ramsey's no-nonsense approach cuts through the fluff and delivers actionable advice that has transformed the lives of millions. If you're ready for a financial makeover that will set you on the path to wealth and freedom, this book is your ultimate guide.

5 Key Lessons from "The Total Money Makeover"

  1. The Debt Snowball Method: One of the most iconic lessons from the book is the Debt Snowball Method. Ramsey advises you to list your debts from smallest to largest and focus on paying off the smallest one first while making minimum payments on the rest. The psychological win of paying off a debt fuels your motivation to tackle the next one.

  2. Emergency Fund is a Must: Before you even think about investing or paying off debt, Ramsey emphasizes the importance of setting up an emergency fund. A cushion of $1,000 can be a lifesaver in unexpected situations and keeps you from accumulating more debt.

  3. Budget Like Your Life Depends On It: The book advocates for zero-based budgeting, where every dollar has a purpose. This disciplined approach to money management ensures that you're in control of your finances, rather than the other way around.

  4. Avoid New Debt Like the Plague: Ramsey's stance on debt is clear—avoid it at all costs. Whether it's credit cards, car loans, or any other form of debt, the book teaches you to live within your means and focus on building wealth through saving and investing.

  5. Invest for the Long Haul: Once you're out of debt and have a fully-funded emergency fund, Ramsey advises investing 15% of your income into retirement accounts. The book provides a simple yet effective investment strategy focused on long-term growth through mutual funds.

In summary, "The Total Money Makeover" is not just a book; it's a financial revolution. It provides you with the tools, strategies, and mindset needed to overhaul your financial life. If you're committed to breaking free from debt, building wealth, and achieving financial peace, this book is your roadmap to success.

The Intelligent Investor

by Benjamin Graham

If you're looking to dive deep into the world of investing, there's no better starting point than Benjamin Graham's "The Intelligent Investor." Often hailed as the "Bible of investing," this book is a masterclass in understanding the market and making sound investment decisions. Don't expect get-rich-quick schemes or flashy tactics; this book is about disciplined, value-based investing that stands the test of time. Whether you're a novice investor or a seasoned pro, "The Intelligent Investor" offers timeless wisdom that can significantly elevate your investment game.

5 Key Lessons from "The Intelligent Investor"

  1. The Margin of Safety: One of the cornerstone principles of the book is the concept of a "margin of safety." This means only investing in stocks that are priced well below their intrinsic value, providing a safety net against market volatility and unforeseen risks.

  2. Mr. Market: Graham introduces the allegory of Mr. Market to explain the irrationality and emotional swings of the stock market. The lesson? Don't be swayed by market moods; focus on the intrinsic value of your investments.

  3. Defensive vs. Enterprising Investing: The book outlines two investment approaches: defensive (passive) and enterprising (active). Defensive investors focus on steady, long-term growth, while enterprising investors are willing to take more risks for higher returns. Knowing which type you are can guide your investment strategy.

  4. Diversification is Key: Graham emphasizes the importance of diversifying your investment portfolio across different asset classes and sectors. This reduces risk and offers a better chance for long-term success.

  5. The Importance of Financial Analysis: The book advocates for thorough financial analysis before making any investment. Understanding a company's financial statements, growth prospects, and market position can help you make informed decisions.

In essence, "The Intelligent Investor" is not just a book; it's an investment in your financial future. It equips you with the analytical tools, strategies, and mindset needed to navigate the complex world of investing. If you're serious about building long-term wealth through the stock market, this book is your indispensable guide.

The Simple Path to Wealth

by J L Collins

Feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of financial planning and investing? J.L. Collins' "The Simple Path to Wealth" is the antidote you've been searching for. This book demystifies the often intimidating world of finance, offering a straightforward guide to achieving financial independence. Collins' approach is all about simplicity and effectiveness, making it an ideal read for both finance newbies and those looking to streamline their financial strategies. If you're seeking a no-nonsense guide to building wealth without the headaches, this book is your golden ticket.

5 Key Lessons from "The Simple Path to Wealth"

  1. The Power of Index Investing: One of the book's core teachings is the value of index investing. Collins argues that low-cost index funds outperform most actively managed funds in the long run, making them an excellent choice for the average investor.

  2. Avoid Debt at All Costs: Much like other financial gurus, Collins stresses the importance of staying out of debt. He explains that debt is a significant roadblock on your path to financial freedom and provides practical tips for avoiding it.

  3. The 4% Rule: Collins introduces the concept of the 4% rule, which suggests that you can safely withdraw 4% of your portfolio each year in retirement without running out of money. This rule provides a simple way to calculate how much you need to save for a comfortable retirement.

  4. Tax Efficiency: The book delves into the importance of tax-efficient investing. Collins provides insights into how different types of accounts are taxed and how you can use this knowledge to maximize your returns.

  5. Keep It Simple: Perhaps the most important lesson from the book is the value of simplicity. Collins argues that a simple, well-thought-out investment strategy is often more effective than complicated financial maneuvers. He advocates for automating your finances and sticking to a straightforward investment plan.

In summary, "The Simple Path to Wealth" is a financial lifesaver in a sea of complexity. It offers a clear, easy-to-follow roadmap to financial independence, making it a must-read for anyone serious about taking control of their financial future. If you're looking to simplify your finances and set yourself on a path to lasting wealth, this book is your go-to guide.

Atomic Habits

by James Clear

Feel like you're stuck in a rut, unable to make meaningful progress in your life? James Clear's "Atomic Habits" is the transformative guide you've been waiting for. This book isn't just about habits; it's about understanding the power of incremental change and how tiny adjustments can lead to monumental results. Whether you're looking to improve your health, boost your productivity, or achieve any other long-term goal, "Atomic Habits" offers a proven framework for success. Ready to revolutionize your life one small step at a time? This book is your master plan.

5 Key Lessons from "Atomic Habits"

  1. The Compound Effect: One of the most compelling ideas in the book is the power of compound growth. Just as money multiplies over time through compound interest, small habit changes can accumulate into significant transformations.

  2. Identity-Based Habits: Clear introduces the concept of identity-based habits, arguing that lasting change starts with a shift in self-identity. Instead of focusing on what you want to achieve, focus on who you want to become.

  3. The Habit Loop: The book breaks down the anatomy of a habit into four components: Cue, Craving, Response, and Reward. Understanding this loop is crucial for both building new habits and breaking old ones.

  4. Environment Matters: Your environment plays a significant role in shaping your habits. Clear advises optimizing your environment to make good habits easier and bad habits harder. This could mean placing a fruit bowl on the counter to encourage healthy snacking or removing distracting apps from your phone to improve focus.

  5. The Two-Minute Rule: Want to start a new habit but feeling overwhelmed? The Two-Minute Rule suggests scaling it down to a two-minute version. For example, if you want to start reading more, start by reading just two pages a day. This makes it easier to get started and build momentum.

In summary, "Atomic Habits" is not just a book; it's a life-altering guide to personal transformation. It equips you with the tools and strategies needed to make meaningful changes in your life, one small step at a time. If you're committed to becoming the best version of yourself, this book is your roadmap to success.

The Richest Man in Babylon

by George S. Clason

Looking for a financial guide that has stood the test of time? "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George S. Clason is the classic you've been searching for. Written in the form of ancient parables, this book offers timeless wisdom on money management, wealth accumulation, and how to gain financial freedom. Don't be fooled by its age; the principles in this book are as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago. If you're ready to unlock the secrets to lasting prosperity, this quick but impactful read is your golden key.

5 Key Lessons from "The Richest Man in Babylon"

  1. Pay Yourself First: One of the most enduring lessons from the book is the principle of paying yourself first. Before you pay your bills or spend on luxuries, set aside at least 10% of your income for savings and investments. This simple habit is the cornerstone of wealth-building.

  2. Live Below Your Means: The book emphasizes the importance of frugality and living within your means. By controlling your expenses and avoiding unnecessary debt, you pave the way for financial freedom.

  3. Invest Wisely: The Richest Man in Babylon didn't just save his money; he invested it. The book teaches the importance of seeking sound investment opportunities that offer good returns while minimizing risk.

  4. Seek Wise Counsel: When it comes to investing or any other financial decision, the book advises seeking the counsel of experts. Whether it's a financial advisor or a seasoned investor, getting advice from those who are knowledgeable can save you from costly mistakes.

  5. The Power of Consistency: The book shows that wealth is not built overnight but through consistent and disciplined effort. By regularly saving and wisely investing, you set yourself on a path to financial prosperity.

In essence, "The Richest Man in Babylon" is more than just a book; it's a treasure trove of financial wisdom. Its age-old principles provide a solid foundation for anyone looking to improve their financial situation and achieve lasting wealth. If you're committed to mastering the art of money management, this book is an indispensable guide.

The Psychology of Money

by Morgan Housel

Ever wondered why some people seem to have a natural knack for building wealth, while others struggle despite having all the resources? The answer lies in the psychology of money. Morgan Housel's "The Psychology of Money" is a groundbreaking book that delves deep into the emotional and psychological aspects of personal finance. It's not just about numbers and calculations; it's about understanding the behaviors, biases, and beliefs that drive our financial decisions. If you're ready to master the mental game of money, this book is your ultimate guide.

5 Key Lessons from "The Psychology of Money"

  1. Wealth is What You Don't See: One of the most eye-opening lessons from the book is that true wealth is not always visible. People often equate wealth with material possessions, but the book argues that real wealth is the money you've saved and invested, not what you display.

  2. The Role of Luck and Risk: Housel emphasizes that luck and risk play a significant role in financial success. While hard work and smart choices are important, factors beyond our control can also impact our financial outcomes. Recognizing this can make you more humble and cautious in your financial endeavors.

  3. Time is a Powerful Variable: The book teaches that the most powerful way to grow your wealth is to give it time. Compounding works best when you invest for the long term, allowing your money to grow exponentially.

  4. Emotional Discipline Over Intellectual Brilliance: You don't have to be a financial genius to build wealth. What you need is emotional discipline—the ability to save consistently, avoid debt, and stick to your investment plan even when the market is volatile.

  5. Flexibility Over Rigidity: The book advises against rigid financial plans and goals. Life is unpredictable, and your financial plans should be flexible enough to accommodate unexpected changes.

In summary, "The Psychology of Money" is not just a book; it's a paradigm shift in how you approach personal finance. It goes beyond the numbers to explore the psychological and emotional aspects of money, providing invaluable insights that can transform your financial life. If you're ready to change not just how you manage your money but how you think about it, this book is a must-read.

The Latte Factor

by David Bach

Think you need to make drastic changes to achieve financial freedom? Think again. "The Latte Factor" by David Bach offers a refreshing perspective on personal finance, showing how small, everyday decisions can lead to significant financial gains over time. This book isn't about depriving yourself of life's little pleasures; it's about understanding the long-term impact of your daily choices. If you're ready to take control of your financial destiny without giving up your lattes, this book is your guide to doing just that.

5 Key Lessons from "The Latte Factor"

  1. Small Expenses Add Up: One of the key takeaways from the book is that small, seemingly insignificant expenses—like a daily latte—can add up to a substantial amount over time. Being mindful of these expenses can free up money for saving and investing.

  2. Pay Yourself First: Echoing a principle found in many financial literacy books, "The Latte Factor" emphasizes the importance of paying yourself first. Before you pay bills or spend on wants, allocate a portion of your income to save money.

  3. The Time Factor: The book highlights the importance of starting early when it comes to saving and investing. Thanks to the power of compound interest, even small contributions can grow into a substantial sum over time.

  4. Automate Your Savings: To make saving effortless, the book advises automating your contributions to savings or investment accounts. This "set it and forget it" approach ensures that you consistently save without having to think about it.

  5. Live Your Rich Life Now: "The Latte Factor" encourages readers to define what a "rich life" means to them and to start living it now. Financial freedom isn't just about accumulating wealth; it's about enjoying life along the journey.

In summary, "The Latte Factor" is a game-changer in the world of personal finance. It shows that you don't need to make huge sacrifices to achieve financial goals; you just need to be mindful of your daily choices. If you're looking for a simple, effective way to take control of your financial future, this book is a must-read.

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing

by John C. Bogle

Are you overwhelmed by the complexities of the investment world, from intricate algorithms to high-frequency trading? Take a step back and embrace the wisdom of "The Little Book of Common Sense Investing" by John C. Bogle. This book is a breath of fresh air in an industry often clouded by unnecessary complexity. Bogle, the founder of Vanguard Group, advocates for the value of low-cost index investing as a path to financial independence. If you're looking for a straightforward, effective way to invest for the long term, this book is your go-to guide.

5 Key Lessons from "The Little Book of Common Sense Investing"

  1. The Power of Simplicity: One of the book's core messages is that simple, low-cost index funds often outperform complicated, high-cost investment strategies. Bogle argues that simplicity trumps complexity when it comes to long-term investing.

  2. Costs Matter: The book emphasizes the importance of keeping investment costs low. High fees and transaction costs can eat into your returns, making it harder to achieve your financial goals.

  3. The Myth of Market Timing: Bogle debunks the idea that you can time the market to buy low and sell high consistently. Instead, he advocates for a long-term investment strategy that doesn't rely on market predictions.

  4. Diversification is Key: The book stresses the importance of diversifying your investment portfolio. Index funds, which hold a broad range of stocks, offer built-in diversification, reducing your risk without sacrificing potential returns.

  5. Ignore the Noise: Bogle advises investors to tune out the daily ups and downs of the market and the constant chatter from financial pundits. Staying focused on your long-term investment strategy is the key to financial success.

In summary, "The Little Book of Common Sense Investing" is a financial gem that cuts through the noise to deliver timeless wisdom on investing. It's a must-read for anyone looking to build long-term wealth through smart, simple investment choices. If you're ready to take control of your financial future without getting bogged down by complexity, this book is your roadmap to success.

The Automatic Millionaire

by David Bach

Ever wondered if there's a way to build wealth without constantly micromanaging your finances? David Bach's "The Automatic Millionaire" is the answer to your prayers. This book isn't about get-rich-quick schemes or complicated financial strategies; it's about automating your way to financial freedom. Bach provides a foolproof plan that allows you to "set it and forget it," ensuring long-term success with minimal daily involvement. If you're looking for a hands-off approach to achieving your financial dreams, this book is your golden ticket.

5 Key Lessons from "The Automatic Millionaire"

  1. The Power of Automation: The cornerstone of the book is the concept of automating your finances. By setting up automatic transfers for savings and investments, you remove the human error and procrastination that often hinder financial growth.

  2. Pay Yourself First: Much like other financial classics, this book emphasizes the importance of paying yourself first. An automatic percentage of your income should go straight into your savings or investment accounts before you even see it.

  3. The Latte Factor: Borrowing from his other famous book, Bach discusses the "Latte Factor"—the idea that small, daily expenses can add up to significant amounts over time. Automating savings equal to these small expenses can lead to a large nest egg.

  4. Debt Reduction: The book provides a strategy for automating debt repayment. By making automatic payments that are higher than the minimum required, you can accelerate the process of becoming debt-free.

  5. Time is Money: Bach emphasizes that the sooner you start automating your finances, the more time your money has to grow through compound interest. Even a late start is better than never starting at all.

In summary, "The Automatic Millionaire" is a game-changer in the world of personal finance. It offers a simple yet highly effective system for automating your path to financial freedom. If you're tired of the daily grind of budgeting and financial management, this book offers a refreshing alternative. Get ready to set, forget, and watch your wealth grow!

The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke

by Suze Orman

Are you young, fabulous, and broke? Do you feel like financial freedom is a distant dream? Suze Orman's "The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke" is the financial lifeline you've been waiting for. This book is tailored for millennials and Gen Zers who are navigating the complexities of adulting in a financially challenging world. From student loans to credit scores, Orman covers it all in a language you can understand. If you're ready to go from broke to woke financially, this book is your ultimate guide.

5 Key Lessons from "The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke"

  1. Credit is King: One of the first lessons the book dives into is the importance of building and maintaining a good credit score. Orman provides actionable tips on how to improve your credit, which is crucial for everything from renting an apartment to getting a loan.

  2. Student Loans Aren't the End: Feeling overwhelmed by student debt? The book offers practical advice on managing and eventually eliminating student loans, including tips on consolidation and repayment plans.

  3. Emergency Funds are Non-Negotiable: Orman emphasizes the absolute necessity of having an emergency fund. Even if you're living paycheck to paycheck, setting aside a small amount for unforeseen expenses can save you from financial ruin.

  4. Invest, Even When Broke: Think you can't afford to invest? Think again. The book teaches you how to start investing with small amounts and why it's crucial to start as early as possible to take advantage of compound interest.

  5. Financial Independence is More Than Money: The book encourages readers to think of financial independence not just as having lots of money, but as having the freedom to make choices. Whether it's changing careers or traveling the world, financial independence gives you options.

In summary, "The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke" is not just a book; it's a financial survival guide for a new generation. It tackles the unique financial challenges you face and provides a roadmap to navigate them successfully. If you're ready to take control of your financial destiny, this book is your first step towards freedom and fabulousness.

Wrap Up

Financial literacy is not just a buzzword; it's a necessity for anyone looking to improve their financial life. The books listed above offer a range of perspectives and advice on money management, financial planning, and achieving financial freedom. So go ahead, pick up one (or more) of these books and start your journey towards financial independence today.

5 Ways to Take Action

  1. Start Reading: Pick any book from the list that resonates with you and start reading.

  2. Budgeting: Apply the budgeting techniques you learn to your daily life.

  3. Invest: Take small steps to invest, even if it's just a little amount, based on the advice from these books.

  4. Automate Finances: Consider automating your savings and investments.

  5. Join a Financial Community: Engage with like-minded individuals to keep yourself motivated and updated.

All of these books have historically helped many people, but that being said, you need to find the ones that resonate with you. If you need more, please check out our archive of the best books for success. Happy reading, and best of luck on your journey to financial freedom!


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